Den här gången var jag lämpligare klädd i täckbyxor när jag tog med mig kameran för månadens trädföljarbesök hos alarna. Det gjorde att jag den här gången kunde pulsa ut i den djupa snön bredvid skoterspåret för att fotografera alkottarna på en av alarna på nära håll. Det som ser ut som kottar är alltså alarnas frukter. Hängena är blomställningar som väntar på att blomma under vårvintern i april, ibland med start i mars. Naturligtvis har det inte hänt något märkbart med träden sedan förra månaden eftersom det fortfarande är mitt i vintern. Det snöade dessutom vilket syns som små vita fläckar i några av bilderna.
This time I was more appropriately dressed in ski trousers when I made this month’s tree following visit to the alders with my camera. Hence I could wade out into the deep snow beside the snowmobile track to photograph the alder cones on one of the alder trees up close. As I mentioned last time, what looks like cones are actually the alder fruits. The catkins are inflorescences waiting to flower in late winter (”springwinter”) in April, sometimes starting already in late March. Of course nothing noticable had happened with the trees since last month since it’s still Midwinter. And it was snowing, which you can see in some of the photos as small white dots.
Fotona är tagna den 13 februari 2022.
Kolla även in andra trädföljare på The Squirrelbasket (internationellt).
Sorry I am late commenting this time, but I thought I should visit this before moving on to next month’s post.
Snow makes everything look so monochrome.
Here I think we probably have autumn-winter but spring arrives quite quickly once it starts.
All the best
I find that bare trees in the snow have a certain magical quality to them. xx
Springwinter applies here too, and is something to look forward to. I will keep trying to spread it around
Absolutely. Springwinter is neither winter nor spring but a separate season in the kind of climate we have. When we call it ”winter” or ”spring” it’s a translation for southerners that don’t really have seasons and therefore don’t get it.
These are lovely photos of your alder. One of my favourite trees! It does look very cold there. We haven’t had any real snow in Edinburgh this winter, though there is some snow on the surrounding mountains.