Bara ett enda äpple sitter kvar i äppelträdet. Alla andra har fallit av. Trädet förbereder sig för vintern. Bladen har börjat förlora sitt klorofyll men de andra pigmenten är lite mer seglivade. Ungefär hälften av bladen är nu gulbruna snarare än gröna.
Only one apple left in the apple tree. The rest of the apples have fallen off. The tree prepares for winter. The leaves are loosing their chlorophyll but the other pigments last a little longer. About half of the leaves have now turned from green to yellow-brown.
Kolla även in andra trädföljare på Loose and Leafy (internationellt) eller på facebookgruppen ”Följa ett träd” (svensk).
Fotona är tagna 2014-10-11 i Uppsala.
Your Apple tree is looking much like mine, one of the first trees to start looking a little sad, I think they use up so much energy making fruit that they have nothing left.
Amanda xx
This tree certainly had plenty of apples this year. But most trees here are covered in sparkling autumn colours at this time of year so that’s not special for the apple tree.
The top picture is specially beautiful.
Thank you.