Ljusets drottning kom med snö. Äppelträdet i december.

När jag vaknade i morse låg det för första gången i år ett tunt täcke av vit nysnö på marken. Gnistrande snö under en blå himmel. Plötsligt kändes inte världen så mörk längre.

Så passande att det var dags att titta till äppelträdet igen. Det stod där naket på stenbumlingen. På marken under trädet stack falläpplen upp ur snön. Men eftersom det ännu inte är så kallt hade snön redan börjat tina. Det kändes märkligt nog lite som vår igen när det droppade från träden.

Idag är det Lucia. Ljusets drottning som ska komma med hoppet. Om du på något sätt lyckats missa att få dig något luciatåg i år så kan så klart nätet hjälpa till. Här är ett urklipp ur ett gammalt avsnitt av luciamorgon från SVT.

When I woke up this morning there was, for the first time this year, a thin layer of white snow on the ground. Sparkling snow under a blue sky. Suddenly the world didn’t feel so dark anymore.

How appropriate that it was time to visit the apple tree again today. There it stood, naked, on the big boulder. On the ground below apples were sticking out of the snow. But since it’s still not very cold the snow was already melting. It even felt a bit like spring again when the melting snow was dripping from the tree branches.

Today is Lucia Day in Sweden. The Queen of Light who is supposed to bring hope. If you haven’t seen a lucia procession today the internet can of course take care of that. Here is a short section of the national TV’s Lucia celebration from a few years ago. And a quick ”Swedish Lucia for Dummies” for those of you who have never heard of Lucia.

IMG_4836IMG_4838IMG_4839Fotona ovan är tagna 2014-12-13 i Uppsala.

Im following a treeKolla även in andra trädföljare på Loose and Leafy (internationellt).

5 reaktioner till “Ljusets drottning kom med snö. Äppelträdet i december.”

  1. The Lucia ceremony is very moving. The choir exceptional. (Though I found the men’s conical hats a little creepy at first.) I think it would be rare to gather so many sopranos with such pure and clear voices in this country. Is it common to sing high like this in Sweden? Perhaps it is to do with their training?

    The apple in the snow is a wonderful image too.

    Hope you had a very happy Christmas (and Lucia celebration!). May be 2015 be a good year for you.


    1. Hi Lucy,

      Happy new year to you too.

      Swedes tend to be a singing people. Officially about 6% of the population sing in at least one choir.

      For most people choir singing is a hobby but this particular choir is better regarded as a semi-professional choir. It is a school choir from the music program at Södra Latin secondary school so these girls and boys are first selected based on musical skills and then receive professional musical training as part of their school program.

      But finding enough sopranos is rarely a problem for the choirs here, maybe because the sopranos normally sing the melody which is more fun than the other parts. The big problem is usually finding enough male singers to be able to have even one male section, much less two, in the choir.

  2. I’ve never heard of Swedish Lucia before, so Lucia for Dummies was for me, and I feel so well educated now 😉 Our days are not as long and dark as yours, but long and dark enough for some glögg … skål!

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