Efter att ha planterat en rad olika grönsaker och rotfrukter på min nya lilla odlingslott vid Älvsby kyrka åkte jag vidare till trädet i parken. Vid det laget var det kväll och solen stod lågt, så fotona av trädet blev lite mörka på grund av skuggor. Men de fungerar ändå. Norrbotten hoppade mer eller mindre över våren i år och gick ännu mer direkt än vanligt från (vår)vinter till sommar. Nu är det försommar och trädet har både blommor och blad. Så vitt jag kan avgöra verkar gissningen att trädet tillhör videsläktet stämma. Jag är inte särskilt bra på att identifiera trädgårdsväxter men min bästa gissning är att trädet är en stor klotpil, också kallad bollpil, (Salix fragilis ’Bullata’). Klotpil är en trädgårds- och parkvariant av knäckepil som ursprungligen antas komma från Finland. Knäckepil växer naturligt i södra halvan av Sverige och i stora delar av Europa, men så här långt norrut förekommer den vanligen bara som planterat träd i parker och trädgårdar.
After planting plenty of different kinds of vegetables and root crops on my new small allotment next to Älvsby church I went to visit the tree in the park. By then it was evening and the sun was low on the sky so the photos are slightly dark due to shading. But they are still ok. Norrbotten county more or less skipped spring this year and went even more directly than usual from winter to summer. Now it’s early summer and the tree has both flowers and leaves. As far as I can tell the guess that the tree belongs to the willow genus (Salix) seems correct. I’m not very good at identifying garden plants but my best guess is that the tree in a large Crack Willow (Salix fragilis) variant ’Bullata’. ’Bullata’ is a park and garden variety of Crack Willow which is believed to originate from Finland. Crack Willow grows naturally in Southern Sweden and large parts of Europe, but this far north it usually only occurs as planted trees in parks och gardens.
I dammen i Lomtjärnsparken häckar i vanlig ordning bläsänder.
Wigeons are as usual breeding in the pond in the Lomtjärn park.
Fotona är tagna den 8 juni 2020.
Kolla även in andra trädföljare på The Squirrelbasket (internationellt).
This year we went from daytime temperatures between +5 °C and +10 °C to about +25 °C in a few days in late May. And today in mid-June I just spent hours outdoors in +30 °C. The switch from spring-winter to summer is usually rapid this far north, but this year was extraordinary. And since the transition happened so late this year all plants were basically eagerly standing at the starting line, ready to take off.
Wow, what a change, it’s beautiful! I looked back at the May post to compare, and enjoyed the Walpurgis songs once more 🙂
That is a beautiful tree, like a puffy cloud! And the quality of the light at that time of day enhances it.
Everything is very lush and green there at the moment – I loved the wigeon.
I’m glad you have made an identification – the flowers and leaves are so delicate and pretty.
Do take care until next time 🙂
My! That is a very different scene from when we saw your tree last. Your seasonal change does seem to be rapid and dramatic.
I too struggle to identify trees unless it was planted by me and came with a label from the nursery.
Your willow is beautiful! I have planted 2 Searsia at the bottom of my garden, with the same long slender pale green leaves, and that arching weeping habit of growth.
I managed to plant broad beans, shallots, broccoli, cauliflower, chard, sugar peas, chive, carrots, radishes and lettuces that day – all on an allotment that is only 4 square metres!