Det är mitt i vintern. Hittills en mild och molnig vinter med tråkigt stålgrått ljus. Som vanligt den här tiden på året behövde jag öka ljusstyrkan på bilderna ganska mycket eftersom det är så mörkt ute nu, även mitt på dagen. Asparna (Populus tremula) gör inget märkbart. Knopparna väntar frusna på våren.
It is the middle of winter. So far a mild and cloudy winter with boring steely grey light. As usual at this time of year I needed to increase the brightness in the photos quite a lot since it is so dark outside now, even at noon. The aspens (Populus tremula) are not doing anything noticeable. The buds are frozen waiting for spring to arrive.
Fotona är tagna den 4 januari 2019.
Kolla även in andra trädföljare på The Squirrelbasket (internationellt).
I must quit complaining about our short days … yours are much more dim!
I particularly love the image of the trunk with the surprised face in the bark!
I look forward to seeing your aspens as the snow disappears.
Thanks for joining in again 🙂
Yes, it does look like a face, doesn’t it?
hello Erika, happy 2019,
I love how straight and tall the trees are, the monotone photos are beautiful,
it is dull and dark here too, Frances
Thank you